Permit Issuer
People credited with this unit standard are able to: explain work permit procedures and requirements; ensure the need for a work permit is properly identified and the worksite is prepared accordingly; issue a work permit; monitor and close the work permit; and audit work permits.

Permit Receiver
People credited with this unit standard are able to: explain the types of work permits, the roles of those involved in the work permit system, and the requirements for receiving a work permit; explain the preparatory requirements when applying for a work permit; accept a work permit and undertake work under the permit; and describe and carry out the controls and actions to be taken at the end of a work period or upon the completion of work.

Fall Arrest and Harness Safety
People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of the hazards associated with wearing a safety harness and associated equipment; demonstrate knowledge of safety harnesses and associated systems and equipment; check and fit a safety harness; use a safety harness where a fall hazard exists at height; and demonstrate knowledge of the rescue plan to be activated in the event of a fall. As well as being able to identify anchor points; use proprietary fall arrest systems; and install and disestablish straightforward proprietary fall arrest systems using designated anchor points.

Employ Height Safety Equipment
This unit standard is aimed at people who require basic knowledge and skills of height safety equipment. People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify the common types of height safety equipment employed on height work in the workplace; identify suitable height work equipment; identify suitable anchor points for fall and arrest systems; employ height safety equipment in a workplace environment; and plan rescue techniques and emergency procedures for working at height in the workplace.

Safe Work Practices at Heights
People credited with this unit standard are able to explain the legislative requirements associated with working at heights, and the systems suitable for working at heights.

Confined Space & Atmospheric Testing
People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of atmospheric testing in potentially hazardous environments; conduct atmospheric tests; and interpret and respond to atmospheric testing results. And will be able to demonstrate knowledge of atmospheric testing in potentially hazardous environments; conduct atmospheric tests; and interpret and respond to atmospheric testing results.

Knowledge of Hazards in Confined Space
This unit standard is for people working in confined spaces. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of confined spaces, and their permit notification and implementation requirements; identify and implement control measures to eliminate, isolate, and minimise the risk of hazards; demonstrate knowledge of monitoring and confined space testing requirements; and describe the responsibilities and duties of people entering confined spaces or conducting observation duties for confined spaces.

Hazardous Substances in the Workplace
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: – hazardous substances in a workplace and their potential adverse effects; and – a workplace’s procedures to prevent adverse effects of hazardous substances.

Confined Space for Water Industry
People credited with this unit standard are able to, in the infrastructure industry: identify the location, and work procedure to be carried out; examine an entry plan for completeness, and enter, complete work, withdraw from a confined space; and conduct a non-entry confined space rescue.

Elevated Work Platform
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: - types of EWPs, their suitability for purpose; and safety features; and - legislative requirements in relation to Code of Practice and the use of EWPs.

Safe operation of a light utility vehicle (LUV)
demonstrate knowledge of: the safe operation of an LUV; LUV driving contingency procedures; and the safe operation of a LUV with trailed equipment and mounted load.

Safety observer responsibilities in the workplace
Types of work potentially requiring a safety observer are identified. Includes but not limited to – hot work, confined space entry, excavation, work at heights, work permit procedures, specified duties, permit forms, gas monitoring forms, rescue plans, fire control plans, site evacuation.